A fun, relaxing and rewarding experience awaits you at Smiling Moments dental studio. From smile designing, veneers, to root canals, implants, teeth replacement and more, ask us about any treatment option and we'll gladly help you out.
At Smiling Moments, we love it when a patient's dream of improving the appearance or health of their teeth turns into a reality.
Dr. Pratik Vora is an MDS in Prosthodontics from the Govt Dental College & Hospital, Mumbai. He is a new-age dentist with a solid foothold in all the latest, advanced dentistry techniques and technology. He possesses more than 9 years' experience in the field and 5 years of experience as a Visiting Prosthodontic Consultant in over 70 clinics.
18-3, 2nd Hasnabad Lane, Saraswat Nagar,
Santacruz (West), Mumbai - 400054. INDIA.